“Looking back, thinking forward”
There are no boundaries to the expansion of Dils, which is launching a new division dedicated to Hospitality & International Growth under the expert leadership of Roberto Galano and Leonardo Gloor. The team will be immediately active in the Italian and European markets, given the Group’s imminent expansion beginning with the Netherlands, Germany and Portugal, followed by Poland, Spain and France.
The Group’s range of services combines experience, knowledge, and market presence to support clients through a personalised approach focused on value creation. Already active in the Office, Retail, Logistics, Living and Residential sectors, Dils will draw on its deep and extensive knowledge of Real Estate in order to assist clients throughout the entire hotel life cycle: from concept analysis and design, to operator selection and asset disposal.
According to Dils’ research team, in 2022, the Hospitality sector maintains stable investment volumes in comparison to 2021, for a total amount of € 1,5 billion, 43% of which represented by four single asset deals: two prime resorts and two operations in central locations of principal Italian cities.
For further information: https://dils.com/settori/hospitality